Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hashish in Marseilles writing response to it Paper

In the essay Hashish in Marseilles it talks about a guy who is getting high. The importance of this essay really isn’t that some guy is getting high it is mostly about perspective on things. He mostly writes in his journal about his experience on it and how he felt and the world felt to him from his eyes being on this. When you read this it makes most people aware of your surroundings and the things going on in your life. He talks about how he can not determine in parts of it weather it is real or not. This is the same concept in life what we see isn’t always what is really going on in our lives. The world is seen from our eyes and when we see things from our eyes we see them in an altered world. He also talks about the feelings, emotions, and things he is seeing.

In our lives that we live we go most the days living it in a little world segregated from the rest of it. We think of things only for our interest and for our well being. We do not pay attention to the things going on. We are a society in constant movement and we never slow down and take a good look at what the truth really is on the inside or outside of our worlds. We never take the time and smell the flowers as the saying goes. We need to take that time and enjoy these things. This story teaches you that you should pay attention to those things because they are important.

By being in different states of mind it reminds me of how I am at times. Sometimes even when I am sober I can’t even distinguish differences in reality. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in two different worlds the world of reality and the world of fiction. In parts of these the truth might be there but it isn’t there all the time. Some people have done drugs like pot and stuff like that and others have gotten drunk or not even. For me I feel like I get nice fresh starts and a new world every time I go out partying the night before and when I wake up that next day I feel like it is a new start. When your body is weak and tired you start to become blind to things by giving your body drugs you are giving it an experience that is new to it a feeling of uncertainty. This is why when you wake up the next day all fresh and good you see the world in a new brighter light than any other time before. The world in which we live in is a world of clouds.

The mind is a powerful thing. We can either blind our mind by tricking it or clear it of the world. This story makes me feel like I should start clearing my mind of things that are a big blur. I think everyone deserves a new fresh start to see the world for what it truly is. If that means staying up and partying all night long so be it. You should open your mind and feel the life and the blood run threw your body like a stream. You should do this only if you do not hurt yourself and as long as you are ready to see what the world is truly like. This story definitely lightened up my life and reminded me why I should always take that time out of my life to realize what is really going on and stop being such a fool that I know nothing of which is happening. So may a story pass the wisdom to look closely because like this story it might be a blur at first but once you break it down you can see it clearly now.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Welcome to Memphis

When coming to Memphis do we think we are safe? The truth is how we can; Memphis is number one in America for crimes. Memphis is filled with gangs, violence, and many other criminal actions and affiliations. So we must ask ourselves what is happening. We are a city of worries we can’t even walk down the street, go to school, or live our daily lives without worries.

The University of Memphis is a prime example of how things are going out of control. The University of Memphis is surrounded by the ghetto. Inside the campus walls it is a peaceful place where a student felt safe, at least so we thought. In the last several months the crime has started to increase and move into our safe area. Just a few weeks ago a girl almost go rapped on campus but luckily she was able to get away. Another situation was that a guy got shot and killed on campus. We also get a lot of theft on campus too.

We can’t even drive or walk down the street without seeing crimes being committed. Just the other day I was driving down the road and saw a car stopped in the middle of the road with two girls on the outside of the vehicle, where they then turned and got into the back of the car and started to fist fight in the middle of the road. These things are common now. We also see gas stations get robbed and many other things like that.

You might say to yourself well that is normal and I say must reply to such an ignorant statement as to so what. Just because you say that doesn’t mean it is right. What stands Memphis out is the fact that it is number one in America because of this. So what should we do about this? Should we find new strategies, well the answer to that is yes and we should also get firmer with the ones we have already too. We need to not worry so much about speed or parking tickets but other things. Yes, those are important and should not be over looked but we need to figure something out. We need to get more programs and friendly things to do around town too. We need to get together as a community and all put our opinions on a “What to Do” card. I hope with reminding you of some people are scared and concentrate it will make you want with your help and the help of the community people. I hope we can make Memphis a place where we could be proud t say to people who come in “Welcome to Memphis”.